
ThePreziClassiceditorisathingofthepast,butitdoesn'tmeanyouhavetosaygoodbyetoyourpresentationsan.,沒有這個頁面的資訊。,2022年8月19日—YourPreziClassiccontentissafeandwon'tgoanywhereaslongasyou'vesyncedittoyouraccount.Youcancontinuetopresentoredityour ...,InPreziClassic,youcouldonlyusebracketsandcirclesasframes,butinPreziPresentanythingincludingicons,linesandshapescanbeusedasaframe.,沒有這個頁面...

Prezi Classic, Meet Prezi Present

The Prezi Classic editor is a thing of the past, but it doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to your presentations an.



Is Prezi Classic Gone For Good?

2022年8月19日 — Your Prezi Classic content is safe and won't go anywhere as long as you've synced it to your account. You can continue to present or edit your ...

How to create a Classic

In Prezi Classic, you could only use brackets and circles as frames, but in Prezi Present anything including icons, lines and shapes can be used as a frame.

Prezi Classic


Prezi Classic 範例

開放式課程尚無數值分析的影音課程. 以Python 程式語言作為計算教學語言. 減少數學證明並以實用的角度進行教學. 課程目標. 方向一.

ZoomIt 6.01 最佳螢幕簡報輔助工具

ZoomIt 6.01 最佳螢幕簡報輔助工具
